20 Signs You Might Be A Geek

August 9, 2007

Well, as you probably all know I am pretty much a Geek and a Spod, but I only scored 18 out of 20. So perhaps I’m not a Geeky or Spoddy as I thought I was. But can you guess which questions I didn’t answer yes to ?

Source: Kludge Spot


August 8, 2007

I would just like to say thank you to everyone who has read this blog. As you are reading this, I have just hit my 2000 page view. So, once again, thank you for stopping by and reading.

Giant Lego man washed up on Dutch beach

August 8, 2007

Now heres something you don’t see everyday, a ‘life sized’ Lego man has been washed up on a beach in the Netherlands. Now how big is a ‘life sized’ Lego man ? Lego people are only normally a few centimeters tall.


Source: ABC News AU

iTunes 7.3.2 just released

August 2, 2007

Apple have just released iTunes 7.3. Which according to Apple “…provides bug fixes to improve stability and performance”.

The download is 33.8mb (same size as 7.3.1) for the Mac version and 47.7mb (slightly larger) for the Windows version.

Source: Apple iTunes

Apple Safari 3.0.3 update for Windows & Mac

August 1, 2007

Apple have just release an update to the Safari browser. The latest version (which is for both Windows & Macs) contains ‘latest security update’, while the Windows version also has ‘improved stability.Both the Windows & Mac applications can be downloaded from the Apple Safari website.

If you download the Mac version, you have the option of either downloading a version with or without QuickTime. Windows users don’t have that option.

The Mac version weighs in a 14mb, the Windows version without QuickTime is 8mb and the Windows version with QuickTime is 28.4mb.

Source: Apple